One Sentence Summary:Our life and future is a product of the small and seemingly insignificant decisions we make every day; so do positive things daily that over time will compound into a successful and positive life. Key Takeaways:
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Conclusion:This book is very similar to another book I've read called The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. But aren't most of these books similar or tell you simple things that you could find yourself or know already. The reality is that even knowing something does not mean that you believe it or apply it in your life. The primary focus of the slight edge could be condensed to a small booklet explaining and reiterating the idea that your life is a result of the small actions taken daily. You rarely if ever wake up one day suddenly rich, poor, fat, fit, healthy, unhappy, etc... These are all the results of actions you've taken in the past that lead to where you are today. You can change your life, of course, but it will require you understanding that you have to take the small consistent steps needed that will take you from where you are to where you want to be. These small steps are easy to do..... and easy not to do. It resonated with me because in areas of my life that I've struggled with the most and fluctuated between success and failure, I became successful by committing to taking actions consistently over time. I would then become complacent and stop doing those actions and then would of course "wake-up" one day to find that I had fallen back to square one. I'd like to end with a perfect summary provided at the end of the book with how to take the information from the book and apply it towards your life: "Sharpen yourself and pursue your path through those simple, small, easy disciplines, and compounded over time, they will take you to the top. If you will: Do one simple, daily discipline in each of these seven key areas of your life-- your health, your happiness, your relationships, your personal development, your finances, your career, and your impact-- that forwards your success in each of those areas; and Make a habit of doing some sort of daily review of these slight edge activities, either through keeping a journal, a list, working with a slight edge buddy, a coach, or some other regular, consistent means, and Spend high-quality time with men and women who have achieved goals and dreams similar to yours; in other words, model successful mentors, teachers and allies, and do it daily, weekly and monthly..." Rating: |
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